PolyU x NuttyShell Cybersecurity CTF 2025



The rapid progression of internet technology and applications has brought significant improvements to our quality of life and work productivity that we would never have imagined before. From buying coffee to conducting business worldwide, our modern way of life would undoubtedly be impossible without such inventions. However, the success of the internet also gave rise to a variety of novel cybersecurity issues that we have never seen before, like ransomware, data leaks, privacy, etc, which could cause irreparable damage to us and society as a whole. Hence, there is an immense demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals to solve these problems, protecting our way of life and the foundation of our society.

Thus, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the PolyU CTF team NuttyShell are jointly organizing the “PolyU x NuttyShell Cybersecurity CTF 2025,” which aims to nurture next-generation students who have a keen interest in working in cybersecurity and information security. This will allow our young generation to develop the skill sets required to thrive in this industry and expand their problem-solving mindset to handle the ever-changing world of technology and any challenges they may face.

While Technology Education (TechEd) is one of our primary focuses, we would also like to extend our reach to industry professionals and experts, fostering connections with younger generations and facilitating bidirectional knowledge exchange. This allows industry experts to attend to young talents and understand their needs, and students can grasp industry leaders' current requirements.

Therefore, with support from industry partners, the competition jointly organized by PolyU and NuttyShell is designed with education and professional connections in mind, promoting knowledge exchanges and nurturing young information security talents by challenging and preparing them to solve complex cybersecurity issues and shape the cybersecurity landscape in Hong Kong for the better!

Key Events

Competition Info

19 April 2025, 8:00PM HKT - 21 April 2025, 8:00PM HKT
(The system will operate for 48 hours continuously, and participants can access it anytime during the contest)

Prize Presentation

To be announced
To be announced



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